
Spheres of Might: A New Pathfinder Martial System

Created by Drop Dead Studios

Build Pathfinder martial warriors by concept and enact dozens of technique combos on your enemies! From the makers of Spheres of Power.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

$12,000 Stretch Goal Unlocked!
about 8 years ago – Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 03:22:49 PM

Last night we broke the $12,000 level (although I accidentally posted the image for it up early; sorry about that to anyone who noticed), meaning Spheres of Might will now include GM support. This area is still fluid and in development, but it will include templates and guildlines for adapting creatures to the system, as well as several example classic creatures, so a GM can more easily turn the spheres against his players and have some fun.

The next level, more archetypes, is designed to give us more room to provide support for our new classes, as well as some conversion archetypes for Paizo classes. As of now we're not planning to include cross-system archetypes (SoP and SoM together) as I would prefer to keep Spheres of Might completely usable without requiring any other book to run, even if that other book is also from us. However, cross-book archetypes is something several people have requested, so if there really is a lot of interest in that, there might be room in a future stretch goal to produce an independent short book for them.

Meet the Team

One of the best changes that has happened to Drop Dead Studios since we produced Spheres of Power is the number of other designers we've had the chance to meet and work with, and today I wanted to introduce who's currently working on the Spheres of Power book.

Adam Meyers is the creative mind behind Spheres of Power, Skybourne, Rogue Glory, and many other Drop Dead Studios products, Adam founded Drop Dead Studios when he was living as a stay-at-home Dad, and it quickly transformed into a full-time job with which he couldn't be happier.

Michael Sayre has an extensive list of credits in Pathfinder design, including Akashic Mysteries, The Battlelord, The Luchador, The Genius Guide to Bravery Feats, Lords of the Night, Spheres of Power: Expanded Options, and Vigilantes of Skybourne, and he's excited to work on the next big iteration of the Spheres system.

Andrew Stoeckle is the writer behind the acclaimed Destroyer's Handbook and Shapeshifter's Handbook from the Spheres of Power handbook project. He's also the original creator of the Spheres of Power Orrery and its associated guides for the system.

N. Jolly is a hero, and someone you should admire. As the writer of the Kineticists of Porphrya series and the Legendary Vigilante line, he has a long history of being amazing and handsome. Not only that, he has also helped pen quite a few guides for character creation for several different classes, aiding the gaming community for quite some time.

Thanks again,


Preview 1
about 8 years ago – Mon, Jan 09, 2017 at 03:32:51 PM

We're less than six hundred dollars from reaching $12,000, which is amazing! Thanks to everyone who has backed us up to the point for helping us make this book as great as it can be.

While many things are still in development on Spheres of Might, and I'm always loathe to show off something when it's not 'ready', it's time we showed you a bit of what the system will look like!

SoM Preview 1

This preview shows off two spheres (Athletics and Sniping), as well as one of our new classes, the weapons expert known as the Armiger. 

The preview also shows off some of the new terminology we'll be using, as well as one of Spheres of Might's primary new mechanics, 'martial focus'. Just like a caster can only cast one spell at a time, a martial character can only focus in one combat style at a time, granting themselves additional benefits relating to that ability, as well as enabling certain powerful abilities that require him to 'expend' their martial focus.

Comment are enabled, so please let us know what you think!


Stretch Goals!
about 8 years ago – Sun, Jan 08, 2017 at 07:03:56 PM

While we were talking about stretch goals, you went and unlocked the first level already.

Of all the things people have discussed wanting from this book beyond the spheres and the classes themselves, the ones we're seeing pop up the most is more archetypes (including archetypes for combining the classes with Spheres of Power), and GM support in the form of monster stat blocks and conversion rules. And so, we would like to announce our first set of stretch goals.

Stretch Goals

$10,000 Archetype Support

While we were writing this one down, you went and unlocked it! The book will now contain archetype support for each class.

$12,000 GM Support

This will include both guidelines for performing conversions of existing monsters, as well as a handful of both converted and original monsters for use with the system.

Thank you again for helping us make this project a reality. Giant books like this give us the chance to really go wild with our design, and I'm so excited to see that there are so many others who love this idea as much as we do!

Thank you,


about 8 years ago – Sun, Jan 08, 2017 at 11:32:43 AM

I an excited to announce that as of the writing of this post, we are sitting exactly at out initial funding goal!

Now comes the truly fun part, were we get to change our focus from 'will we be funded' to 'how much better can we make this book?' We'll have more information later today about stretch goals and what to expect from the rest of this funding campaign, but for right now I just wanted to say thank you for giving us the chance to create Soheres of Might, and bring it to life here on Kickstarter!

85% and Add-Ons!
about 8 years ago – Sun, Jan 08, 2017 at 02:17:06 AM

At the time of writing, Spheres of Might has not yet been life for 24 hours, and is already 85% funded!

Thank you all so, so much for helping us make this book a reality. Kickstarter is a nerve-wracking platform, and it makes us feel so much more at ease to know so many people are looking forward to expanding what the Spheres can do.


the single thing most requested during this first day is add-ons; people who want additional books, or who were interested in having something not included in a bundle reward. There's no way we can create a different reward tier that fits every possible combination of items, so if there's anything you wanted in addition to whatever is included in your pledge level, simply increase the your pledge by the listed amount for an item without increasing your pledge level; after the campaign is over, you'll be able to indicate which item or items you were hoping to receive. 

Even if the item you want is unrelated to the kickstarter at hand, getting it as an add-on still applies to funding this campaign, so its a great way to grab anything you've had your eye on. All add-ons listed below have also been added to the campaign's main page:

Spheres of Might Softcover ($35): While the primary purpose of the campaign is to fund a print run of hardcover books, we know there are many people who prefer softcover books that can be rolled up, thrown in a bag, and carried wherever their next gaming session is being held, and are making this option available here. Note: Unless sufficient softcovers are desired across the campaign to merit their own extended print run, softcovers will be printed using a POD service, which may lead to a reduction in print quality.  

Spheres of Might ($20 PDF, $20 Hero Lab Files, $50 hardcover): A backer may always increase their pledge to gain an additional PDF, print book, or set of Hero Lab files, either for themselves or as a gift for another person.  

Spheres of Power ($20 PDF, $20 Hero Lab Files, $50 hardcover); Expanded Options ($5 PDF, $5 Hero Lab Files, $20 softcover): Our flagship release, Spheres of Power changes the way magic-users of all types are built in Pathfinder, freeing character creation up to allow any number of different casters to come to life. For those who want the complete Spheres of Power experience, the Expanded Options book provides a great many additional archetypes, favored class bonuses, and other bits and pieces to further enhance the Spheres of Power system. 

Skybourne (Each book: $10 PDF, $25 print, $30 print/PDF Combo): Ever wanted to fly your party via airship to other planes and planets? Skybourne is Drop Dead Studio's campaign setting, with two books currently in print, and two more coming this year. These books include: 

The Player's Guide to Skybourne: A book outlining a variety of new mechanical options for the Skybourne campaign setting, including new races, new sphere traditions, airship piloting, hiring, commanding, and handling combats between dozens to hundreds of crewmen. 

Ships of Skybourne: This book focuses on vehicle creation and includes a versatile creation system that can create anything from mithril airships to lava-based submarines, to take your party wherever they need to go! 

Andrus: The City of Men (pending): This city guide covers the world's last surface city, where refugees of every race have come together to rebuilt their futures in a fallen world. This book is slated for release later this year. 

Woodfaring Adventures (pending): This GM guide covers running adventures in the semi-sentient, world-shattering forets that cover the surface of the world of Skybourne. This guide is designed to facilitate a sandbox style of play, as the PCs search the ruins of the Forest floor, escavating valuable artifacts and bringing them home for study and profit. This book is slated for release later this year. 

Wizard's Academy ($50 hardcover, $20 PDF), and Fantastical Creatures and How to Survive Them: A Student's Guide for Adventure and Study ($35 Print, $10 PDF): Wizard's Academy is a combination adventure module and bestiary designed for the Spheres of Power magic system, adaptable for any level from 1-20. For those who want the bestiary without the adventure, it is available as a separate volume as Fantastical Creatures and How to Survive Them: A Student's Guide for Adventure and Study. 

Vigilantes of Skybourne ($5 PDF, $20 softcover): This book of additional vigilante options covers everything from mutant powers to secret police and beyond. Includes several racial archetypes for use with the Skybourne campaign setting. 

The Luchador ($5 PDF, $20 softcover): This monk/vigilante hybrid class makes wresting fun like never before, allowing a character to don a mask and battle enormous foes to prove once and for all who is the strongest warrior!