
Spheres of Might: A New Pathfinder Martial System

Created by Drop Dead Studios

Build Pathfinder martial warriors by concept and enact dozens of technique combos on your enemies! From the makers of Spheres of Power.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Backerkit Reminder
almost 8 years ago – Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 09:03:25 AM

There are still 49 people who have not filled out their backerkit surveys; if you haven't done that, please do.


There have been a few people who have contacted me about needing to change things in their survey; the survey has not been locked down yet, so you can still revisit it and make any necessary changes there. We will lock down the surveys on Monday, however, and then start sending rewards at that time, so if you need to change something, please do that before then.

Adam Meyers

Backerkit Away!
almost 8 years ago – Thu, Mar 09, 2017 at 09:24:45 PM

We have just sent out the invitations to backerkit! For those of you new to that platform, you should have gotten an email inviting you to take a survey. In that survey you will confirm the information we need from you, as well as tell us which add-ons you may have pledged for. 

A few notes to remember:

1. All PDFs for things currently done will be sent out next week or so when people have finished filling out their backerkit surveys. All physical products will ship together at a later time.

2. While domestic shipping is free for all backers, international backers will be asked to pay for shipping later, when the product is in the hands of our distribution partners and can tell us exactly what it 

The official large-scale playtest documents are almost ready, we're going through them ourselves to make any corrections we feel are needed, and we hope to have those documents to you next week.

Thank you,
Adam Meyers

On the Subject of Surveys
almost 8 years ago – Sat, Feb 18, 2017 at 07:59:04 PM

There appears to be a bit of heated discussion over the remark from last update that I wanted to do a survey about the book's contents. The reason this hypothetical survey was not done before the end of the kickstarter was that I felt doing a survey in the final hours of a kickstarter was a dick move; people would be rushing, a lot of people wouldn't get the chance to have their voice heard in the small time window; I thought it would be better to wait until things were settled down and both designers and backers could really talk about what decisions would lead to the best book.

The counterargument, though, is that the state of the project at the end of the project constitutes a promise, and making any changes to the stated contents of the book at this point is a breach of that promise; it doesn't matter how many people might prefer the change, someone may have backed the project hoping for the stated goals who would feel betrayed by a change made at this date.

Honestly, what I would like more than anything is to include both options: 8 classes and 20 monsters. The only concern stopping that from happening right now is page count: The bigger the book, the more it costs to print. Perhaps a few more people will join us via backerkit, pushing the project's total funds above $30,000 and rendering this whole discussion null and void, but if they don't then if we want to add something to the book, something else must be taken away.

We won't be doing a definitive survey at the moment; half of the book hasn't been written yet anyway, so perhaps other sections will come in under the expected word count and this will end up being a moot point. Just know that we have heard you, both those who want monsters and those who want classes, and we will do everything we can to give you the book you deserve.

Post-Campaign Update #1
almost 8 years ago – Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 05:26:41 PM

The campaign is over, and the numbers are in: $27,620 from 512 backers. To all of you who've helped us make this book a reality, thank you so, so much. I know there have been comments made by people who wanted to switch the last two stretch goals around and unlock new classes instead of additional monsters; we'll do a survey soon to make sure you're getting what you want from this book.

Now there are a few points of business that have to happen behind the scenes: We need to set up Backerkit, and we need to wait for the money to clear Kickstarter.

Both of these processes can take several weeks, but once they're done, we will send each of you links to backerkit, where you can let us know which add-ons you wanted so we can start sending you what you've earned.

Thank you. This book wouldn't exist without your help.

1.5 hours, 2.5 Thousand to Go!
almost 8 years ago – Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 04:22:44 AM

With 86 minutes left on the clock, we are sitting $2,500 away from the last stretch goal. It Valentine's day so I won't be making another post tonight, but thank you all for helping us get this far! Here's hoping for a great last push!